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7 Ways to Turn Graphic Design Ideas into Reality

You have a product that needs a label, or packaging; you need your new business card, or you need to design a logo but You are not sure where to go to get some guidance regarding design.
In this article I will show You the 7 different ways in which You can get your design from an idea to reality.
Hello Everybody,
I am Stefano from Labelado, where we design and produce labels, we also give tips to everyone that wants their products to stand out from competition in both retail and online, helping you to create your brand. So let me show the 7 different ways that I also use personally to get my professional looking graphic designs done.
So without further ado, let's get through this !
#1. Canva
I'd like to start with something very easy and inexpensive; I want to talk about Canva.
Canva is a website where You can design by Yourself anything from business cards to flyers, banners and so on, Canva works perfectly to jot down ideas since you don't have to reinvent the wheel, there are plenty of templates to use, especially if You pay for the pro version
I suggest starting from Canva if You want some inspiration from all the available templates and if You want to test Your product design without spending a single dime.
#3. Local Designers
Search for a graphic designer locally; Graphic designers are everywhere, and I am sure there is a studio in a city nearby You.
The most important thing about going local is that You can have conversations face to face, and if You have and idea (especially complicated ones) You will have a better chance in explaining it to him or her. Also think that about language barriers, if you get to know a local designer, the chance that he is speaking your mother's tongue is very high, whereas on the internet You might find Yourself having difficulties trying to communicate, especially if english is not your main language. The only downside of meeting live a graphic designer is that You will need to ask for a quote in advance; as instead, most of the other methods online will already show clear pricing before purchase
If You don't want to prepare the design by yourself like with Canva, or You were already not satisfied with a local designer, then it's time to start searching more online.
#3. Fiverr
Number 3 is Fiverr; Fiverr is a very large community of freelancers;
and where there are freelancers, there are graphic designers. The most important thing about Fiverr is that it gives You the opportunity to compare different designers and their designs.
There are various levels of gigs; You can start by analysing how a designer will bring your idea to life by simply paying for a small amount (this will most of the time not come with a printable or high quality file, it is just to know that the designer has understood the path to follow) once you're satisfied, you can purchase the full gig and let him finish it as intended.
The other good thing about designing packaging and labels with Fiverr is that you have very precise control on the informations that the suppliers are giving to you, you will even know how many times you can do revisions before the order is complete
We do have a Labelado account as well on Fiverr! check it out : https://www.fiverr.com/labelado/design-a-premium-label-for-you-wine-label-beer-label
Number 4 - Behance
Behance is a portfolio website where designers post their high quality work; if you know pinterest, it can look like a pinterest for people seeking designs; with a whopping 15 million users subscribed and a direct connection with Adobe you can't go wrong with Behance;
While searching for label design I found here some of the most interesting and beautiful concepts to take inspiration from; each of this designs can guide You to the original creator. Behance is the best place to find out the whole background of the design and product story.
Another point given to Behance is the fact that on all projects you can see the engagement of users. This gives You some tips on how one of your customers will probably feel in seeing a product with that packaging. Remember to avoid copying ideas completely, but try to get some of the best traits from winning products.
#5. Crowdspring
Crowdspring takes another approach to the aforementioned methods of getting designs; you as a customer will post your requirements to the website, selecting customised requests.
The website will then proceed to put you in contact with the over 210000 designers worldwide, and you'll receive different styles. You have to pick (and pay) just for one in the end.
This makes it easy if You really need to start from scratch since crowdspring is a guided process.
#6. Social Networks
Number 6 are Social Network; yes, I made a whole category together because You can use any social network to get in contact with a Graphic Designer, I'm Talking about Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and also Youtube; You name it.
Social Networks are a great library of piece of arts if one knows how to search for designs; this is because Social Networks count for most of the people showing their work online.
Not all of the designers will have a Fiverr or Crowdspring Account, but all of them will have at least a Facebook and Instagram page. it will definetely require a lot of time compared to other more direct methods, but the approach of searching is completely free.
#7. 99designs
Last but not least is 99designs; 99designs allows you to create design contests; just select your package: bronze , silver, gold or platinun to find the designer that matches your needs; more than 1 millions graphic designers are subbed to this website.
After posting your contest, dozens of designers will start working on showcasing their product, and by leaving feedback and rating your design, in as little as 7 days you will have found your winner.
Thank You for taking the time to read this article,
If you need to produce the labels for your products or the products of your customers, consider having a look at our offer, where you can find a variety of papers and special finishings to choose from.