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Why is printing proofing a great investment?

Are you about to launch your new product line, but for now all you have is a digital file, only visible on screen?
Would you like to be able to touch, as your customers will do later, the packaging of your final product, whether it is an adhesive label, a box for products or a bag? Today we see why packaging printing proof is a great investment!
Reduce testing costs
It's hard to understand what your customers want on the first try, experimenting is part of the process. But launching products on the market without first making sure of their functionality and visual impact is a mistake to avoid. A mockup or a printing proof can really save you life! It allows to reproduce at low costs what will be your final packaging. Having even just a single finished packaging will allow you to put the product inside and immediately understand if the dimensions are correct, if the box is of the right weight, if the colours of the label match the colours of the box etc.

Find mistakes in your file
Graphic files are digital things that tend to be touched by several people before the final print; some problems could occur in the design phase, an invisible element on the file that should have appeared on the final label or box, a hidden layer that magically disappears during the printing phase or an error in the evaluation of the size of your box or label. Anything can happen! At that point, a printing proof will allow you to immediately see what elements are missing or difficult to read and promptly correct before printing.
Find the right color combinations
The other advantage of a printing proof or mockup for packaging is being able to make different color proofs and combinations, in order to be sure of the final result when printing; moreover, if your product line consists of elements such as changing tastes and fragrances, you will be able to find which color matches the most with each product. Color proofing is suitable for testing important items such as label backgrounds. Within the same printing proof you will be able to see the various shades of beige, cream backgrounds etc.
Test the extra finishings
Even in the case of extra finishings it will be possible to view the various results. For example with the hot foil it is possible to simulate various colors of foil or place it in various parts of the label or box in order to choose the most suitable solution. The same goes for thick varnish or screen printing, which during the printing proof phase will allow it to be positioned on various elements (and on various colors).
Choose the right material
Let's not forget that in the printing proof phase you will have to choose the material or materials that will be used; do you want to see the difference between a matt coated paper and a natural paper? This is the right time to test a material before going to print in large quantities.
A printing proof is essential, especially if you are about to launch new products on the market and want a selective test that allows you to quickly make an informed decision. Our packaging experts will be happy to advise you on the most suitable way to carry out these printing proofs for your packaging, the advice is free! We are waiting for you!