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The secret behind a beer photo

Are you about to launch your new IPA or do you want to brush up and refresh your Instagram profile? Taking pictures of your beer bottles has never been easier. Follow our simple tips and you will see that success is guaranteed. Beer photos are the first business card to show your customer your product. Start with quality photos.
When the time comes to promote your brand on social media, there are few things that matter as much as your product photos. In fact, a picture is worth much more than a thousand words. Through a beer photo, the consumer is able to grasp all the essence and personality your beer company, identifying with it.
It is very important to take the right time to get quality beer photos.
It is not always possible to involve a professional. In any case, if you don’t have the chance to get a professional shooting for economic or timing reasons, we will give you some useful tips to be able to take care of your beer photos by yourself.
Choose standard sets
If you have recently opened your e-commerce site, you will surely have a short time to manage a photo shoot on your own. Sure, shooting from different angles is a lot of fun and it’s creative but it can really take a long time. For this reason it is better to define standard sets for your beer photos.

Identify the type of photo
Do you prefer to show some details of your beer or show the entire package? Depending on your preference, you can choose between a type of close-up photography, able, through a zoom, to show all the nuances of your product in the foreground, from the details of the label to the colour of your beer or a preview photograph, a photo of the whole product that encourages the customer to click. The choice is yours.

Leave room for light
A key element in beer photo is light. The shooting, if it’s not made with special lights, should be made in daylight and never against the light. If you have a large window, position yourself between the window and your beer bottle, remembering not to cast a shadow on the product.
If you prefer to take pictures outdoors, choose a shaded area and not direct light. To get a more professional shooting get a white background. It will make the photo shoot bright but without reflections.

Avoid filters or flash
Digital filters may seem a great idea. However, remember that these filters can alter the colors of the beer photo giving an unnatural look to your product. Flash can play tricks too! We do not want to give the customer the impression of a "faded" beer. Right?

Think about the background
The background or any reflection can ruin your beer photo. Pay attention to details. If you use a shiny background remember to check that there are no reflections of your surroundings.
With these little tips you can try to take some beer photos and get excellent results. Our advice, however, is to always turn to professionals who will surely be able to bring out the best from every single picture.
If you need support for your beer photographs please contact our experts.